Clinic Privacy Policy
Confidentiality & Privacy
We take your privacy seriously and your treatment with Authentic Self Psychology is confidential. This means we will not disclose the information you provide to us to third parties unless you consent for us to do so. It is important to note that there are limits to confidentiality in exceptional circumstances including when there is a risk to you or others, or if we are responding to a subpoena.
Your practitioner will discuss this with you during your first appointment and answer any questions you might have.
Health Records Management
As part of your engagement and ongoing care at Authentic Self Psychology, we will maintain your Health Record within our secure Practice Management System Power Diary.
Power Diary is ISO 27001-certified practice management software and strictly adheres to privacy regulations, including The Privacy Act (AU), HIPAA (US), GDPR (UK & EU), PIPEDA (CA), POPIA (ZA) and CCPA (US, California). Power Diary is externally audited on an annual basis to maintain ISO 27001 status, which we believe is essential for the protection of health data. Choosing software that meets the highest standards for information security management is part of our commitment to you. Learn more about how Power Diary protects your data here:
Your Health Record includes the relevant information relating to your treatment engagement with us, key health information from third parties such as your doctor may also be included in this record. Your health records are managed and protected in accordance with the applicable state and federal laws, including The Privacy Act 1988, Australia and Health Record Act (2001). Health records are legally required to be stored for a number of years following the conclusion of your treatment with us.
You are also able to request access to a copy of your Health Record. Please discuss this with your practitioner to understand how this can be facilitated in line with legal guidelines of Australia.
Engagement/Liaison with Other Treating Practitioners
Authentic Self Psychology view engagement with your other key professional supports as an integral part of collaborative care.
If you engage with psychological services with us under a care plan plan referral (MHTP/EDTP/CDMP) there are certain requirements under Medicare where we are required to report back to the referral agent (GP, Psychiatrist or other health professional) with an update which can also include a recommendation that further psychology sessions would be beneficial. More specifically, a brief letter is usually sent to the referral agent after the initial appointment, at the end of referred sessions (typically after 6th and 10th sessions if under MHTP or after 10th and 20th sessions if under under a EDTP).
Contact may also be made if and when required to facilitate or manage care appropriately. If this is required your psychologist will endeavour to discuss this with you first.
If you do not wish for your personal information to be collected in a way contemplated by this consent form, our practice may not be in a position to provide the psychological service to you.